The algorithm consists of blurring the measured image with
a regularizing smoothing function
. There are several possible
choices of the function
, however this project isn't concerned
with finding an optimal
; we will use the simple unitary Gaussian
function in three dimensions2
Now we have the problem that Equation 10
becomes unreliable when
small. The sophisticated way to avoid this problem is to use an averaging filter.
A suitable averaging term is
an arbitrarily suitable weighting term.
is the sum of the neighbourhood
, where usually
is taken as the 4-element neighbourhood of
. The averaging procedure is then
In order to simplify things somewhat, we used the observation that the most
common pattern under which
for thin, two dimensional spherical shells3. Thus, the flood-filling technique is excessive and would rarely come into
play in normal images. Our solution will sacrifice some image quality in order
to decrease the complexity of this stage of the algorithm.
We adopt basically the same strategy as above, except that we define Equation
11 to be valid for
for some
suitably close to 0. We then process the image iteratively,
not recursively, and if a position with
is encountered we simply continue by assigning
and continuing as in Equation 11.