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3 Boolean Operator Diagrams

In all of these figures, a white pixel indicates a 0 value, and a black pixel indicates a 1 value8. The images were generated using the AVS network shown in Figure 6, using the ip_logical image processing module. However, this module considers white pixels to be 1 and black pixels to be 0; this is the reason for the ip_logical NOT modules just after reading the input images and just before writing the output images.

Figure 6: The AVS 5 network used to generate Figure 8 from Figure 7.

Figure 7 shows the input images, each contains a single circle at a different offset. The region inside the circle is defined to be 1, the region outside is 0.

Figure 7: The boolean operator input images.
[left] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}} [right] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}}

Figure 8 illustrates the effect of combining Figures 7a and 7b using the boolean operators AND, NAND, OR, NOR, and XOR respectively.

Figure 8: The boolean operator output images, the result of combining Figures 7a and 7b with the indicated logical operators.
[and] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}} [nand] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}} [or] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}} [nor] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}} [xor] \resizebox*{3cm}{3cm}{\includegraphics{}}

Feature to note are:

These diagrams are also called VENN DIAGRAMS (John Venn, 1834-1923, [1, Section 2.3, Page 13]), and are frequently used as demonstrative aids in elementary boolean logic and set theory (where AND corresponds to set intersection and OR corresponds to set union).

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Kevin Pulo