xlibtrace [options] <program> [args...]
Valid options are:
--stderr Send output to stderr (default)
--stdout Send output to stdout
-o filename Send output to the specified file
-a, --append Append output to file specified by -o
--single Trace only the specified program, and not any
other subsequently forked processes. Useful for
tracing xterms, etc.
--prompt Prompt user prior to each call. Useful for
interactively stepping through the X11 calls.
--sleep us Sleep for the given microseconds after each call.
Useful for artificially slowing down the client.
--xflush Call XFlush() after each call. Useful in
conjunction with --prompt or --sleep to interactively
step through drawing commands, etc.
--xsync, --sync Call XSync(..., False) after each call. Useful in
conjunction with --prompt or --sleep to interactively
step through drawing commands, etc.
--fflush Call fflush() after each line of output.
--flush Equivalent to --xflush --fflush
Show the contents of structs that are xlib
implementation dependent, but still publicly
declared in XFree86/Xorg (may cause segfaults)