This network uses the thresholded slicer to take arbitrarily oriented and positioned slices of the data. Further, the threshold is set to make the background data transparent, displaying just the part of the slice containing the lobster's data. Two slices are taken, one in the x-y plane of the lobster and the other perpendicular to this, running down the lobster's ``spine''. The transparency means that the background of either slice doesn't obscure the other, giving quite a good effect. Further, interactivity is achieved by selecting either slice plane in the top right Geometry Viewer and then using the right mouse button to drag this plane through the lobster. As this is done the display in both relevant Geometry Viewers is updated automatically, allowing the user to interactively examine the dual cross-sections of the lobster's density.
This file uses the thresholded slicer module, which appears to have some issues. Notably, its Resolution setting is not saved to the network file, and when loaded defaults to the lowest value, 12. For both thresholded slicers present in the network, this value should be increased to the maximum, 120.