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This module uses the ImageVision ilViewer class to display the given StereoImages in an X11 window, using CrystalEyes double- or quad-buffering stereo mode.

It supports several interactive features as a result of using ImageVision. Images displayed can be dragged around by using the left mouse button, the edges and corners can be moved to display only a portion of the image, with the portion being viewed can be panned using the middle mouse button. Press the q or Esc key to quit the module, or the s key to toggle stereo mode, the Up and Down keys to raise and lower individual images and the Home key to reset the image to its original size and location.

Valid names for this module are screen, display, x, x11, crystaleyes, stereo and ilstereo.

It accepts two parameters, both of which are optional.

If -stereo is specified, then the module will attempt to change the video mode of the system to one which supports stereo when it initialises. If this isn't specified, but stereo mode is desired, press the s key in the stereocam window.

If -showcomponents is specified, then the module will display the left and right components separately where they exist in the StereoImages being displayed. (The images will display under each other, so use the mouse to see the lower ones.) Thus if the StereoImage being displayed has only a left or right component it will be displayed, but if the StereoImage has left and right components then all three will be displayed -- the individual components and the combined stereo image.

The module contains a standard X-style event loop, which provides the interactivity (for example, the keystrokes above). During standard operation, that is, in the putImage() method, the event loop exits when all pending events have been handled, allowing another StereoImage to be input and processed. After all StereoImages have been displayed, that is, in the finaliseImage() method, the event loop only exits when the user presses the q or Esc keys. In this fashion, interactivity is provided while the image is updating and when the last frame is being held.

Currently, there is no way to specify the location of the /usr/gfx/setmon utility (which is used to change video modes), or to specify the stereo or normal video modes or the X11 display to use.

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Kevin Pulo