3.3.1 Borland C++ 4.x DOS-programs

Command Line.

Assume a C++ program named vector.cpp:

#define __MINMAX_DEFINED        // use STL's generic min and max templates
#define __USE_STL               // exclude BC++'s redundant operator definitions

// STL include files - include STL files first!
#include "vector.h"

// C++ standard include files
#include <stdlib.h>             // stdlib min and max functions are skipped
#include <cstring.h>            // only compilable with __USE_STL directive
#include <classlib\alloctr.h>   // only compilable with __USE_STL directive
#include <iostream.h>

void main (void)
  vector<int> v(5);
  v[0] = 4;
  cout << "First vector element: " << v[0];

The compiler directive #define __MINMAX_DEFINED prevents the compilation of the min and max functions in the Borland C++ include file <stdlib.h>, because STL provides its own template min and max functions.

I recommend to include all STL include files before the Borland C++ standard include files, although this causes some work to be done.

There are some changes to be made in the include files <bc4\include\cstring.h> and <bc4\include\classlib\alloctr.h>, if you plan to use them. Some operator definitions have to be taken out of compilation, for example by adding

#if !defined (__USE_STL) [...] #endif,

because STL generates these operators automatically using template operator definitions.

The code after adding the necessary #if directives (italic letters) is shown in the following box. The line numbers indicate the operator-definition-positions in the original include files:

line 724:
#if !defined(__USE_STL)
inline int _RTLENTRY operator != ( const string _FAR &s1, const string _FAR &s2 )	THROW_NONE
{ [...] }

line 850:
#if !defined(__USE_STL)
inline int _RTLENTRY operator <= ( const string _FAR &s1, const string _FAR &s2 )	THROW_NONE
{ [...] }

line 866:
#if !defined(__USE_STL)
inline int _RTLENTRY operator >  ( const string _FAR &s1, const string _FAR &s2 )	THROW_NONE
{ [...] }

line 882:
#if !defined(__USE_STL)
inline int _RTLENTRY operator >= ( const string _FAR &s1, const string _FAR &s2 )	THROW_NONE
{ [...] }

<bc4\include\classlib\alloctr.h>, line 44:

#if !defined(__USE_STL)
	 friend void *operator new( unsigned, void *ptr )
		  { return ptr; }

Compile and link .cpp files using STL with the following command:

bcc -I<path-to-stl-directory> <file>.cpp


bcc -Ic:\bc4\stl vector.cpp
It is also possible to include the STL include files after the Borland C++ standard include files, then programs would even compile without having changes in <bc4\include\cstring.h>. But STL provides a number of template functions that increase genericity and template operator definitions that generate operator!= out of operator== and operators >, >=, <= out of operator<, so it seems advisable to choose the practice shown above.
IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Create a project specifying "DOS-Standard" as target-platform. Specify the STL-directory under "options/project/directories" (german: "Optionen/Projekt/Verzeichnisse") as include-directory. Use the #define __MINMAX_DEFINED statement when <stdlib.h> is included, use #define __USE_STL when <cstring.h> and <classlib\alloctr.h> are included.

Continue with section 3.3.2

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Johannes Weidl (J.Weidl@infosys.tuwien.ac.at) - Apr 16, 1996