Programming Practice
2002 Summer School

Kevin Pulo
School of Information Technologies
University of Sydney

(page 1)

Associative Containers

(page 2)


(page 3)

Simple Map Example

using namespace std;
int main() {
map count;
string s;
while (cin >> s) {
count[s] = count[s] + 1;
// OR: count[s]++;

(page 4)

Accessing map items

(page 5)

Map Iterator Example

using namespace std;
int main() {
map count;
// fill count as previously
for (map::const_iterator
i=count.begin(); i != count.end(); ++i)
cout << i->first << '\t'
<< i->second << endl;

(page 6)


(page 7)

Manually inserting into a map

map m;
  • then can insert a pair with
pair p("test", 42);
  • or more simply
m.insert(pair("test", 42));

(page 8)


(page 9)

set example

using namespace std;
int main() {
set nums;
int val;
while (cin >> val)
for (set::const_iterator i =
nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i)
cout << *i << endl;

(page 10)

Testing Existance

(page 11)

set find() example

set s;
set::const_iterator si = s.find("it");
if (si != s.end())
cout << "Found it" << endl;
cout << "Didn't find it" << endl;

(page 12)

Another set find()

int main() {
set nums;
int val;
while (cin >> val)

if (nums.find(42) != nums.end())
cout << "42 entered sometime";
cout << "42 not entered";

(page 13)

map find() example

map m;
map::const_iterator mi
= m.find("it");
if (mi != m.end())
cout << "It is : " << mi->second
<< endl;
cout << "Didn't find it" << endl;

(page 14)

Another map find()

int main() {
map count;
string s;
while (cin >> s) count[s]++;
if (count.find("hello") != count.end())
cout << "You said hello";
cout << "You never said hello";

(page 15)

Removing from a map/set


(page 16)

multimap / multiset

(page 17)

multiset Example

int main() {
multiset nums;
int val;
while (cin >> val)
for (multiset::const_iterator i =
nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i)
cout << *i << endl;

(page 18)


(page 19)

C++ Exceptions

(page 20)

Throwing An Exception

struct Domain_Error {
int number;
Domain_Error(int d) : number(d) { }

double square_root(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
throw Domain_Error(n);
return sqrt(n);

(page 21)

Catching An Exception

int main() {
int num;
while (cin >> num) {
try {
cout << square_root(num) << '\n';
} catch(Domain_Error e) {
cerr << e.number
<< " is not valid\n";

(page 22)

Uncaught exceptions

Aborted (core dumped)

(page 23)

Multiple Catchers

try {
// do something...
} catch (SomeType st) {
// handle SomeType exception
} catch (SomeOtherType sot) {
// handle SomeOtherType exception
} catch (...) {
// handle anything else

(page 24)

Multiple Catchers II

class IOError { };
class NoFileError : public IOError { };
try { } catch (IOError e) { }

(page 25)

Rethrowing Exceptions

(page 26)

try {
try {
throw 10;
} catch (int i) {
cerr << "Caught : " << i << endl;
throw 20.0;
} catch (...) {
cerr << "Won't reach" << endl;;
} catch (int i) {
cerr << "int : " << i << endl;
} catch (double d) {
cerr << "double : " << d << endl;

(page 27)

Exception Specifications

(page 28)

Function Pointers

void foo() throw (X);
void foo2();

void (*pf1)() throw (X,Y) = &foo; // OK
void (*pf2)() throw () = &foo; // error
void (*pf3)() throw (X) = &foo2; // error

(page 29)