Programming Practice
2002 Summer School

Kevin Pulo
School of Information Technologies
University of Sydney

(page 1)

Operator Overloading

(page 2)

Output Operator Overloading

class List {
// ...

ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,
const List &list) {
// ...

(page 3)

Output Operator Overloading

ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,
const List &list) {
Node *c = list.head;
if (c) {
os << c.number;
c = c->next;
for (; c; c = c->next)
os << ' ' << c.number;
return os;

(page 4)

Friend functions

class List {
// ...
friend ostream& operator<<
(ostream &os, const List &list);

(page 5)

Better Design

(page 6)


ostream& operator<<(ostream &os,
const List &list) {
List::ConstIterator b = list.begin(),
e = list.end();
if (b != e) {
os << *b;
for (; b != e; ++b)
os << ' ' << *b;
return os;

(page 7)

Converting types

List::List(const std::string &s);

(page 8)

Conversion operators

List::operator bool() const {
return head;

(page 9)

Conversion operator example

List::operator bool() const {
return head;
int main() {
List l;
if (l)
cout << "List has stuff" << endl;
cout << "List is empty" << endl;

(page 10)


(page 11)

class Alarm {
void turn_on() {
std::cout << "Alarm on\n";

class BuzzerAlarm : public Alarm {
void turn_on() {
std::cout << "Buzzer on\n";

(page 12)

What Is Output?

void activate(Alarm a) {

int main() {
BuzzerAlarm b;

(page 13)

A Problem

(page 14)

First Attempt At Fix

void activate(Alarm &a) {

void activate(Alarm *a) {

(page 15)

More Problems

(page 16)

Fixed Alarm class

class Alarm {
virtual void turn_on() {
std::cout << "Alarm on\n";

(page 17)


(page 18)

Accessibility and Inheritance

(page 19)

Accessibility Example

class Base {
public: int i;
protected: int j;
private: int k;
class Child : public Base {
void test() {
i = 1; // legal
j = 1; // legal
k = 1; // ERROR

(page 20)

Constructors and Inheritance

(page 21)

Constructors Example

class Person {
Person(const std::string &name);

class Student : public Person {
Student(const std::string &name, const
std::string &sid) : Person(name) {
// ...

(page 22)

Destructors and Inheritance

(page 23)

Abstract Classes

(page 24)

Abstract Example

class Alarm {
virtual void turn_on() = 0;
virtual void turn_off() = 0;
virtual bool is_on() = 0;
virtual ~Alarm() { };

(page 25)

Multiple Inheritance

(page 26)

Non-public Inheritance

class B : private A

class B : protected A

(page 27)

Non-public Inheritance Uses

class A { };
class B : private A { };
B b;
A *a = &b;

(page 28)


(page 29)

Namespace Example

namespace a {
std::string func() { return "a func\n"; }
namespace b {
std::string func() { return "b func\n"; }
std::string func() { return "func\n"; }
int main() {
std::cout << a::func() << std::endl;
std::cout << b::func() << std::endl;
std::cout << func() << std::endl;

(page 30)

Using Namespaces

namespace A { int fred = 10; }
int fred = 20;
int main() {
std::cout << fred << std::endl;
using A::fred;
std::cout << fred << std::endl;
std::cout << A::fred << std::endl;

(page 31)

Using Namespaces II

namespace A {
int fred = 10;
double bill = 10.0;
int main() {
using namespace A;
std::cout << fred << ' ' << bill;
std::cout << std::endl;

(page 32)

Unnamed Namespaces

namespace {
int number;
void function() { ... }
namespace ??? { ... }
using namespace ???;

(page 33)

Namespace Aliases

(page 34)

Alias Example

namespace A_Name_Which_Is_Long {
int foo = 42;

namespace short =

int main() {
std::cout << short::foo << std::endl;

(page 35)