Programming Practice
2002 Summer School
Kevin Pulo
School of Information Technologies
University of Sydney
(page 1)
Unsigned integers
- Unsigned integers are always >= 0
- Prefix with unsigned
- Useful for things like string lengths
- Allows a larger (positive) range
- Eg. assuming 2 byte (16 bit) ints:
- int: -32768 to 32767
- unsigned int: 0 to 65535
(page 2)
- Number of bytes used by int, long, etc isn't guaranteed
- Use the sizeof() operator to find out their actual sizes
- sizeof(int)
- long l;
- sizeof(l)
- Can omit parenthesis on variables
(page 3)
Standard sizes
- The C/C++ standard specifies only minimum sizes
- sizeof(char) >= 1
- sizeof(short) >= 2
- sizeof(int) >= 2
- sizeof(long) >= 4
- sizeof(float) >= 2
- sizeof(double) >= 4
- sizeof(long double) >= 4
(page 4)
Static casting
- Used to convert between types
- In Java:
- double d = (int)(2.0/3.0) + 0.2;
- In C++, use the builtin static_cast<>() function:
double d;
d = static_cast(2.0/3.0) + 0.2;
(page 5)
Mathematical functions
- #include to use
- Sometimes need -lm when compiling
g++ -Wall -g -o hello -lm
- Functions:
- sqrt(), abs(), sin(), cos(), tan(), log(), log10(), exp(), pow(), etc
- Majority work with double variables
- For more info, see the math.h section of the "C++ Library Reference"
- "Useful Resources" on PP website
(page 6)
- Text is used in a lot of programs
- Input and output is often text
- Data is often text
- Manipulating text is common
- std::string objects are used here
- #include to use them
- String literals are strange
- Not the same as std::string
- Can often be used, but not always
(page 7)
Constructing Strings
- std::string s; - the empty string
- std::string s = "abc"; - obvious
- std::string s("def"); - also obvious
- std::string s(6, '-'); - the string "------"
- std::string s = s1; - copy of s1
- std::string s(s1, 2, 3); - substring of s1
(page 8)
Accessing Elements
- Subscripts
- char c = s[5]; // get 6th char
- s[5] = 'a'; // set 6th char
- Not bounds checked
- at() member function
- char c =; // get 6th char
- = 'a'; // set 6th char
- Bounds checked
- s.size() and s.length()
(page 9)
Converting to C-style strings
- #include has some useful functions which use char * variables
- To convert a std::string to char *, use the c_str() method:
std::string s = "52241";
long l = atol(s.c_str());
(page 10)
- returns an int
- < 0 if s1 < s2
- > 0 if s1 > s2
- = 0 if s1 equal to s2
- Can also use <, <=, ==, >=, >, !=
- eg. s1 == s2
- Don't do "abc" == "abc"
- Will compile, but doesn't make sense
- std::string("abc") == std::string("abc")
(page 11)
- Defined by start and length
- s1.substr(0, 5)
- first five character substring
std::string s = "hello, how are you?";
std::cout << s.substr(7, 3) << '\n';
- Returns a newly created std::string
(page 12)
Append and Concatenate
- Append string s2 to s1
- Append character 'a' to s
- Concatenate
- s3 = s1 + s2;
- s3 = 'a' + s1;
(page 13)
- Insert before given index
std::string s1 = "abcghi";
std::string s2 = "def";
s1.insert(3, s2);
s1.insert(5, 2, '*');
std::cout << s1; // output abcde**fghi
(page 14)
- Returns index of start of match
- s1.find(s2);
- first occurance of s2 in s1
- s1.rfind(s2);
- last occurance of s2 in s1
std::string s1 = "abcdef---defghi";
std::string s2 = "def";
s1.find(s2); // returns 3
s1.rfind(s2); // returns 9
(page 15)
- s1.find_first_of(s2);
- first element of s1 also in s2
- s1.find_last_of(s2);
- last element of s1 also in s2
std::string s1 = "abcdef---defghi";
std::string s2 = "gec";
s1.find_first_of(s2); // returns 2
s1.find_last_of(s2); // returns 12
(page 16)
- s1.find_first_not_of(s2);
- first element of s1 not in s2
- s1.find_last_not_of(s2);
- last element of s1 not in s2
std::string s1 = "abcdef---defghi";
std::string s2 = "ghiabc";
s1.find_first_of(s2); // returns 3
s1.find_last_of(s2); // returns 11
(page 17)
- Specify what to replace and what to replace with
- Replacement does not have to be the same length
- s1.replace(0, 5, s2);
- replace first five characters with s2
- s1.replace(3, 1, 10, '*');
- replace fourth character with 10 *s
(page 18)
- #include to use
- We have to specify the type to store
- Elements added with push_back()
- Elements accessed like std::string
std::vector vi;
std::vector vc;
vi.push_back(1); vi.push_back(10);
vc.push_back('a'); vc.push_back('z');
std::cout << << vc[0] << '\n';
(page 19)
Constructing Vectors
- std::vector v;
- std::vector v(10);
- vector with 10 default strings
- std::vector v(10, '-');
- vector with 10 '-' elements
(page 20)
Accessing Elements
- As for strings
- - bounds checking
- v[4] - no bounds checking
- v.front() - returns first element
- v.back() - returns last element
- v.push_back(val) - add val to end
- v.pop_back() - remove last element
- undefined on empty vector
- v.size() - returns size of vector
(page 21)
Special types
- Strings and vectors provide types
- std::string::size_type
- Integral type to use for indexes
- eg. pass to at(), returned from find()
- std::string::difference_type
- Integral type for element distances
- Similarly
- std::vector::size_type
- std::vector::difference_type
(page 22)
Special types usage
int main() {
std::string s;
std::cin >> s;
std::string::size_type a = s.find('a');
std::string::size_type e = s.find('e');
std::string::difference_type d = e - a;
std::cout << d << '\n';
(page 23)
- User defined type names
- Provides an "alias" for existing types
- typedef new_type existing_type;
typedef std::string::size_type str_sz;
typedef std::string::difference_type str_df;
str_sz a = s.find('a');
str_sz e = s.find('e');
str_df d = e - a;
(page 24)
No Match?
- What happens if the string had no 'a'?
- s.find('a') would return std::string::npos
- npos is a std::string::size_type value
- It is larger than the largest possible string
- It is used as a not found value
- And to indicate "rest of string" for substr(), replace(), etc
(page 25)
Other data structures
- The STL provides several other useful data structures
- stack, list, map, set, queue, deque, priority_queue
- They all work in much the same way
- Use an STL reference to get full details
(page 26)
int main() {
std::stack s;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
while ( ! s.empty()) {
std::cout << << stl::endl;
(page 27)
Pass by Value
- C++ passes arguments by value
int sum(std::vector v) {
int result = 0;
for (std::vector::size_type i = 0;
i != v.size(); ++i)
result += v[i];
return result;
- Arguments can be safely modified
- Inefficient due to copying
(page 28)
Pass by Value
void pass_by_value(int i) {
i = 4;
int main() {
int j = 1;
std::cout << j << std::endl;
// outputs 1, not 4
(page 29)
Pass by Reference
int sum(std::vector &v) {
int result = 0;
for (std::vector::size_type i = 0;
i != v.size(); ++i)
result += v[i];
return result;
- Modifying argument also modifies the original
(page 30)
Pass by Reference
void pass_by_ref(int &i) {
i = 4;
int main() {
int j = 1;
std::cout << j << std::endl;
// outputs 4, not 1
(page 31)
Pass by Const Reference
- Disallows modification of argument
- The usual way of passing large objects
int sum(const std::vector &v) {
int result = 0;
for (std::vector::size_type i = 0;
i != v.size(); ++i)
result += v[i];
return result;
(page 32)
Pass by Const Reference
void pass_by_const_ref(const int &i) {
// compilation error on following line
i = 4;
int main() {
int j = 1;
std::cout << j << std::endl;
(page 33)
A Simple Example
- A program that takes marks
- And outputs a histogram
(page 34)
// width in characters of histogram bars
const int bar_width = 20;
// the count of marks in each decile
std::vector marks(10, 0);
(page 35)
// find maximum in vector
int find_max(const std::vector &v) {
int max = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; ++i)
if (max < v[i])
max = v[i];
return max;
(page 36)
// read in the marks
int mark;
while (std::cin >> mark) {
int decile = mark / 10;
if (decile > 9)
decile = 9;
// get maximum decile count
max_len = find_max(marks);
(page 37)
// output the histogram
for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; ++i) {
std::cout << std::setw(2) << i*10;
std::cout << '-' << std::setw(2);
if (i != 9)
std::cout << i*10 + 9;
std::cout << "00";
std::cout << ' ' << std::string(
marks[i] * bar_width / max_len,
'#') << std::endl;
(page 38)
Sample Output
0- 9 ##########
10-19 #####
20-29 #####
30-39 ####
40-49 ########
50-59 ##########
60-69 ##############
70-79 ####################
80-89 ####################
90-00 ###############
(page 39)